What is SEO?

Aayushi Singh
1 min readNov 6, 2021


SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. It helps for enhancing a website’s technical configuration, content relevancy, and link popularity such that the pages are more popular in response to user search results, and thus rank higher in the search engines.

Why SEO is important?

Because most online experiences start with a search, and traffic from search engines can generate a large number of customers.

Why it’s important to optimize site crawlability?

Google constantly search the web and look for new or updated pages, simulating the bheavior os users. It uses programs known as web crawlers, which follow links across the internet, a process also known as crawling, and report what they find to Google’s servers.

What to do for good SEO?

  • Keyword optimization
  • Share-worthy content that earns links, citations, and amplification
  • Add great user experience including a fast load speed
  • Compelling content that answers the searcher’s query



Aayushi Singh

Gold Microsoft Learn Student Ambassador || United Club of Developers || WebGravity ||Live•Laugh•Code👩‍💻</>